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Free forms windows

Flexibility is one of Ekstrand's absolute strengths, not only in terms of dimensions but also form and design. All our window systems can be manufactured with broken angles. E68/78 and EC/90 can also be manufactured in round shapes or as large openable multi-sash windows with an arched upper edge.

Windows with broken angles

Free forms are not used as often as in the past, the pricing is probably one of the reasons. Ekstrands can today offer a wide and very competitive range of windows in free shapes with broken angles. Our flexible production facility means that the products today are very affordable.

Free forms and round shapes

Our free shapes are almost unlimited, round windows, semi-round windows, windows with curved tops such as 2-sash, 3-sash, 4-sash, etc. Note that many variants of free forms can be delivered with our smart ventilation fittings.

Large windows

In addition to leading quality and performance, flexibility is Ekstrand's strength, we have great dimensional flexibility. Ekstrands has the knowledge and helps you find qualitative, aesthetic and cost-effective door and window solutions. Contact us for more information.