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Our products are not only more environmentally friendly than other products on the market, they are also more sustainable in other respects. We use renewable raw materials and water-based paint systems, and we provide the longest warranty on the finish.


We are talking here about products that are genuinely environmentally friendly and a company for  which the environment and sustainability were key words long before there were any statutory requirements or customer demand in this respect.

Apart from all the fine words about the environment and lovely commercials showing forests and lakes, there are only a few points where more or less environmentally friendly windows and exterior doors differ. Below is an outline of these differences based on Ekstrands’ standard exterior doors and Ekstrands’ EC/90 Wood windows, two products that are market leaders.


Impregnation and painting have a very high environmental impact during the manufacture of exterior doors and windows. Many windows and doors manufactured in Sweden (2020 01 25) are still impregnated and painted with products that contain hazardous substances and solvents. It is possible to obtain leading ecolabels for a product even when this sort of wood protection has been used. The reason is that these products are fast-drying and are the easiest to use in industrial processes. Ekstrands uses only water-based paint, which is more environmentally friendly. Our impregnation products are also water-based and contain linseed oil. We introduced these systems more than 30 years ago, mainly for health and safety reasons.

All water drainage and surplus paint from  the paint department is collected and put through a separator. The water is purified and recycled. Surplus pigment is separated and sent for incineration.

All water drainage and surplus paint from  the paint department is collected and put through a separator. The water is purified and recycled. Surplus pigment is separated and sent for incineration.


One of the most important warranties for doors and windows is the warranty on the finish. Effective wood protection ensures that the paint does not crack and there is no risk of rot. And if the products last longer, this is also good for the environment. Many manufacturers offer  warranties, but then backtrack in the care instructions by saying that customers must repair any cracks during the warranty period. This is not our style. Ekstrands is alone in providing a warranty of up to 10 years against cracks forming in the paint and we make no such reservations.


A majority of all windows installed in newly manufactured houses have an external cladding of aluminum (2020 01 25). Aluminum is not renewable and it requires energy to produce, recycling of powder-coated aluminum requires that the paint must first be burned off before the aluminum can be reused. Leading environmental certifications do not require that the exterior cladding consist of a certain percentage of recycled material. It can therefore be assumed that non-recycled aluminum is used on a majority of all these windows in Sweden.

Lower climate footprint with real wooden windows

How much difference in climate impact is there between a wooden window without aluminum cladding compared to a wooden window that is clad with aluminum. The aluminum cladding means that the window is "maintenance-free" and does not need any repainting, while wooden windows from Ekstrands without aluminum need to be ironed approximately every 10 years. Regardless of the origin of the aluminum, an aluminum-clad window always has a significantly greater climate impact than a painted wooden window.

A wooden window without aluminum cladding is up to 48 times better in this respect. The reason is simply that aluminum has a higher climate footprint than paint, and that relatively little paint is needed to repaint a window.

Our EC/92 Wood windows are available with no aluminium or plastic components. This is a unique window, made entirely of wood, in which all parts are renewable or recyclable apart from the sealing strips,  which are made of silicon and plastic and go to landfill. Many of Ekstrands’ other window systems also have this advantage.

Ekstrands has a wide range of genuine wooden windows with long warranties on the finish and leading thermal insulation properties. These products are the most sustainable choice you can make. At the same time, we know that each customer has unique requirements, and design, wall construction, choice of materials and price play a role  when choosing a product. Ekstrands also offer aluminum cladding on most window systems as a part of the market demands this.

Sustainable exterior doors

All exterior doors in Sweden incorporate sheet metal, which is glued in to ensure structural stability. This has been the case since the early 80s and no better manufacturing method has yet been found (information correct as of 25 January 2020). It is difficult to separate the sheet metal from the wood and insulation, which means that  external doors that are no longer needed are sent to landfill. Ekstrands’ solution to this problem is to make exterior doors that last for a long time. Ekstrands provides unique, long-term warranties for the paint and structural stability, which guarantees long-term sustainability. Ekstrands does not mass-produce anything. Everything is made to order.

Products free from toxic emissions

The majority of exterior doors sold in Sweden contain formaldehyde (information correct as of 25 January 2020). Leading environmental certification bodies permit formaldehyde and other similar chemicals in products with environmental certification. Ekstrands’ exterior doors are entirely free from formaldehyde. They are also tested and evaluated to EN16516:2017 and guaranteed free from all toxic emissions. EC/90 Wood contains no other components.

U-value & energy efficiency

If you choose products with a low u-value, you save energy. It is also important that the door or window frame is tightly sealed if it is to deliver what it promises. In addition to leading thermal insulation properties, Ekstrands has also tested the airtightness of its double doors and windows. Whichever product you choose from Ekstrands, you can be sure that the product delivers what it promises.

The majority of energy-efficient windows marketed in Sweden have a u-value of around 0.9-1.2 W/(m²K) (information correct as of 25 January 2020). Often you need to order a special option to get below 1.0. EC/90 Wood from Ekstrands has a standard u-value of 0.77. 

The majority of exterior doors marketed in Sweden have a u-value of 0.9-1.0 W/(m²K) (information correct as of 25 January 2020). A few manufacturers offer values down to 0.76. Ekstrands has a standard u-value of 0.70. Our Passiv91 construction has a u-value of 0.49. This is thermal insulation in a class of its own.


We use PEFC and FSC-certified wood and have products registered with Sunda Hus and the Building Goods Declaration. However, we have deliberately chosen not to certify our products with the Nordic region's leading environmental label, as we believe that the requirements are set too low. Among other things, solvents and toxic emissions are allowed, aluminum-clad windows do not have to be recycled to some extent, but can consist of 100% virgin raw material. We believe that the environment is compromised in order for everyone to be able to participate. These kinds of environmental labels are counterproductive, they are misleading and the end user in many cases risks choosing a product that is worse for the environment.

Sustainable manufacturing and internal cycle

Ekstrands works to actively minimize its impact on the climate and the environment. The environment and sustainability have long been a factor in our internal quality and development work. Since 2005, Ekstrands has been separating metal, paper, hazardous waste, plastic, etc. at source. Since 2013, we have been pressing/packing all residual materials in bales to minimize transport volumes.

Our production plant in Osby is heated using an internal cycle in which packaging and wood waste from production is collected and used as biofuel, which is then used to heat our properties.

Renewable energy

Between 2018 and 2020, Ekstrands invested in northern Scania's largest solar cell plant, a total of 2300 m2 of solar panels have been installed on the properties. The goal is to become completely self-sufficient with renewable energy.

Family business

Ekstrands is a family-owned company that is firmly established in Skåne. We are not subject to strict profitability requirements and we can, therefore, think and act in the long term. This applies to our staff policy, our local social responsibilities and our environmental work. However, it applies above all to our approach to our customers and our products. Customer benefit is and will always be what drives our organization. We have proved that it is possible to combine quality and high performance, while also taking responsibility for our environment. Our products reflect the Ekstrand family’s own values and we are proud to put our name to them.